Digital Marketing Plan For Real Estate Companies: The Strategy For The First 90-Days

At Marcom18, we strive to share our knowledge and expertise gained through decades of digital marketing projects. Feel free to get in touch with us if you like to know how digital marketing and technology can transform your business and take it to an all new level of growth and engagement.
digital marketing plan for real estate companies

So are you getting ready to do your digital marketing for your real estate business, but you’re not quite sure what you should do in your first 90 days.

Well, that’s a pretty common problem to have, we all had it at one point and you are probably going to have it if you don’t have it right now.

So I’m going to be walking you through this strategy sketch for your first 90 days with your online marketing.

Get your website up

The first thing you’re going to be doing is that of course getting a high-quality website set up.

A lot of people I think have unreal expectations in your first 90 days of any type of marketing but especially digital and digital marketing takes some time to build some of those.

So if you’re looking at search engine optimization (SEO) or pay-per-click (PPC) marketing or anything like that in your first 30 days, it is a bit premature to do that.

SEO takes quite a while for sure.

Even if you’re doing PPC marketing as will go into here in a little bit, you are not going to have your campaign styled into that first month.

So have realistic expectations about your first 90 days. Okay.

This is your foundation set up and then you scale up after that right next.

One of the biggest things is you need to have patience in these first 90 days.

Because if we expect the world to change in the first 90 days and you expect a flood of leads coming in, it won’t work that way – first you’re not putting a flood of marketing out there. Second, both organic and paid marketing takes time to shape up.

I’m not saying that you can’t get a flood of leads coming in the first round of these. You totally can, but you have to put a flood of marketing out there to capture that in order to show you how to do that.

It doesn’t happen overnight. It happens by stacking marketing methods and systems on one by one, right? So have patience and stack your efforts.

Well, okay, we’re talking website that converts. A website that looks great on mobile. Well, not just as mobile friendly but looks great on a mobile device and performs well on all the devices that convert a visitor into a customer at a high rate.

This is the number one factor that we focus on a ton, which is why our clients get such great results. So launch a website that’s the first thing.

Let your customers connect with you

Let people can make that connection with you. They can see there’s a real face, a real person behind this company not a nameless faceless entity because with this clutter in the market,

you may not have that top-of-the-mind recall.

So the way that you stand out is by telling your stories by connecting on a personal level.

Just make sure you’re personalizing your content that first day, the first two days and for the first three days of launching your website.

If you’re creating a website from scratch just write really good engaging content and work on real credibility, putting real testimonials, real stuff into it.

The next thing you’re going to do as soon as you can is put tracking in place on that.

You would want to use Google Analytics and it is advisable to put your Facebook pixel tracking pixel over there too.

I would advise to do that in the first couple weeks of getting the website because it takes 5 minutes to do or we can do it for you.

Then next what I would suggest you to do is really make sure you have your unique selling proposition (USP) nailed here in those first few weeks of your online marketing.

What is it about you and your company that kind of stands out.

SEO & PPC Marketing

Then you start to do some Google pay-per-click (PPC) if you have a budget and if you have $500-1,000 a month for that you can start and then scale it up from there.

You can always tweak your website as it goes. You can always add more credibility. You can always add your Better Business Bureau logo later. You can always add those things. We always are looking for progress not perfection.

So get that site out the door in the first two weeks build some basic credibility out there and then you can always refine it from there.

Begin with SEO as early as possible. Pick maybe 2-3 keywords to focus on for your Market that are high leverage keywords.

And then if you have a tool to track your rankings, maybe start to put those keywords in there to track how your rankings are going.

Capitalize on Social Media Marketing

So right over here, we put our Facebook retargeting pixel on which we teach you how to do in a blog post on our website and then over here in month two or three we’re going to start turning on retargeting ads on Facebook and same thing.

You’re going to be tracking and refining your SEO. You’re going to a coach

or someone that you can go to ask him for advice on how to improve your SEO build some backlinks and build some strong social media signals.

And in this time, you probably going to get some citations. Okay, so your website listed on Yelp and yellow pages and all those citations.

We suggest between 20 and 40 to start in that first 90 days.

Meanwhile, if you require any assistance, just contact us anytime and we would be happy to refine your organic and paid advertising strategy, and make it happen for you.

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